Dr. Manish Khaitan as an Operational Faculty and Keynote speaker at BARICON’22 Hosted by AIIMS, New Delhi

It was great honour to be invited at AIIMS Baricon 2022 conducted by AIIMS, New Delhi.
It was also indeed a huge honour to be a part of operating faculty at AIIMS. What a great facility to operate with the likes of Sandeep Aggarwal, AIIMS New Delhi, Prof Nasser Sakran, Israel, Prof Abdelrahman Nimeri MD FACS FASMBS, USA, Prof CK Huang, Taiwan, prof Sanjay Agrawal, London UK, and prof Laurent Liyani, UAE.
NOBESITY got the opportunity to read 6 of its top papers and I also got the opportunity of delivering the key note lecture on “USE OF PPI- Sleeve and RYGB” besides delivering 2 lectures and panelist in 3 moderated by stars of Bariatric surgery from all over.
Thanks to Prof. Sandeep Agrawal for giving us such a great platform and a special mention of believing in the team by allotting one surgical slot to us. Indeed a dream come true.
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